How I helped my client make 10K in the first month online and during Covid-19

how to make 10k first month during covid-19 e-commerce

Finally! A graph we all like to see!

I helped my food client make 10K in revenue during the FIRST month her shop went live on her website AND it was during Covid-19. I remember as she told me her wholesale accounts were canceling on her left and right.

Quickly I uploaded all her products to e-commerce on Squarespace and set up payment through Stripe . Then the next day news hit about #shelterinplace and everybody had to pivot and make adjustments to their business. We were ready to focus on online deliveries and offered her food products directly to the customer.

The main thing that helped: Reinvigorating her Instagram account. There were no new posts for the last 4 months. We decided to commit to posting 2x a day and strategically planned around new limited flavors and new products. (One of our posts received 37k views!)

This was in addition to other social media strategies and web things like redeeming our Google Ad Words credit, turning on abandoned cart, creating a yelp page, creating a newsletter form and many more micro things that added up.

“Done is better than perfect” was our motto. While in the state of the unknown, I’m happy to have had her trust!